Gut Wrenching Courage
In March of 2014, Mer and I started having serious talks about UCA being a real thing and on May 7th of that year we launched our website...

Thoughts On The Bullet From Our Playground...
In the summer of 2014 Mer and I sat at Brendan’s preschool graduation giddy with anticipation to watch him walk across the stage in his...

This weekend our bus got tagged with some pretty blue spray paint. Although it was very artistic, I felt kind of strange driving around...

I’m kinda a sucker for pump ‘em up songs. Behind closed doors (and on really hard days maybe even driving down the highway) I pull out my...

God's Skin Color
“Miss Kalie, what color is God’s skin?” This question has been a frequent wondering of our scholars lately. We’re in a unit learning...

If you work in the education field, you’ll probably resonate with our feelings about yesterday. It was our first day back after a 3 week...

A Thrill of Hope
Here at UCA we are joining millions of our friends across the world in celebrating Advent. If you talk to our pal Christian we will...

A Tear of Thanksgiving
It was just one tear. One tear in the midst of thousands. While the others fell on the deaf ears of the concrete floor, this one well...

November is birthday month for me. Recently, I’ve been trying avoid my birthday as it just reminds me that the big 3-0 is inching another...

Baby Showers, Cupcakes and Mercy
At the risk of sounding whiny I’d like to make an observation. I’ve been to countless baby showers and bridal showers where in the...